As specialists in commercial waterproofing, Danrae Group frequently sees major waterproofing problems that could have been minimised with earlier action.
Quite often, issues such as concrete spalling and concrete cancer can lie undetected until they’ve escalated; however, it’s not always due to neglect. In high footfall shopping centres or strata spaces, it can be difficult to schedule works to fit multiple tenants.
For one of our Liverpool customers, the COVID pandemic provided a unique opportunity to address leaks that had plagued the property for years. With tenants working from home, the Danrae team was able to provide comprehensive commercial waterproofing including diagnostic, solution design and remediation – with minimal disruption.
The Liverpool property is a strata complex housing several commercial tenants. It needed a flat roof waterproofing solution to address the reoccurring leaks and related property damage.
Whilst the strata managers had tried to remedy the issues in the past, they had faced some difficulties, as Wayne Spiteri, Danrae Group Sales Manager, explains:
“They had experienced leaks for around ten years. They had contracted waterproofers, but because it was always full occupancy, it was difficult to do anything other than patchwork repairs. The owners took the opportunity during the COVID shutdown to conduct the necessary major works.”
Wayne and the Danrae Group team encountered a few issues on their first site visit.
“We saw there were large pavers on the roof, so removing them would be the first step. It was obvious that there were drainage issues too, as water was sitting up there like a swimming pool.
Additionally, on examining the existing membrane, we saw that it appeared to contain asbestos. We brought it to the owners’ attention, took a sample and organised a test.”
With confirmed asbestos at the site, the team factored safe removal and disposal of the existing waterproofing membrane into the overall solution design.
Wayne explains the waterproofing and remedial building process. “Our first step was to put a guard rail around the roof perimeter for safety and to remove and dispose of the pavers and the existing waterproofing membrane. We then hoisted up all the materials ready to start, and we made preparations for a concrete spalling fix inside.”
The complete waterproofing project involved:
Danrae Group’s team of waterproofing and trades experts completed the Liverpool commercial waterproofing project in three months, with great results and a very happy client.
To protect your strata or commercial property, Danrae Group recommends a comprehensive solution that includes tailored design recommendations and post-project preventive maintenance. It’s the best way to keep your waterproofing membrane in pristine condition – and catch any waterproofing issues at the earliest stage.
For a thorough and effective waterproofing solution for your property, please contact us.
for more information
Head Office:
Unit 3/1-3 Whyalla Place
Prestons NSW 2170
Wollongong Office:
Level 1, 1 Burelli Street,
Wollongong NSW 2500
Melbourne Office:
180 Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000
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